07-09-2022 -Programme coordinator LUMC – Huisartsenposten De LIMES
Region Leiden – Leiderdorp – Alphen a/d Rijn
( 0.11 FTE, 4 hours)
Are you the ‘linking pin’ who is able to connect the employees of the out-of-hours GP service, the trainers and the residents and thus perpetuate the safe training climate at the out-of-hours GP services of De LIMES?
The general practitioner training
The LUMC General Practice Programme is part of the Department of Public Health and Primary Care (PHEG) and the associated network of General Practice, Institutional Care and Geriatric Medicine, Public Health and Medical Anthropology.
Job description
- Coordination of the training of residents at the out-of-hours GP service.
- The programme coordinator has a connecting function from the LUMC to the GP posts of De LIMES and vice versa.
- Coordination of the content of the education at the out-of-hours GP service for AIOS.
- Designing the Guidelines for services at the out-of-hours GP service.
- Thinking along in quality improvement and educational innovation
- Contact person for resident and trainer with regard to duty at the out-of-hours GP service.
What do we ask for?
- You are able to manage the out-of-hours GP service in order to create an instructive training place for the trainee, despite all the hectic times that take place during working hours.
- You are responsible for the quality of the education at the post in accordance with the requirements set by the programme.
- You are a practising and experienced GP in the region of the out-of-hours GP service. You pay special attention to emergency care.
- You have the necessary experience as a trainer or as a teacher. You closely follow current developments in GP care and are open to renewal and innovation.
- You are able to enthuse and inspire people.
What do we offer?
There is currently vacancy space for 4 hours per week. Initially, the appointment is for a period of one year. If proven suitable, an extension is possible. Salary is in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Academic Hospitals.
Procedure – information
You can email your application letter + CV (stating “Training coordinator at the GP post (HAP)” to: C.H.J.de_Koning-Fennes@lumc.nl
For more information, please contact, Geller Agterberg, Coordinator services LUMC-PHEG, which can be reached by telephone via the secretariat (071-5268433) or by e-mail: G.Agterberg@lumc.nl