Internal audit exposes practice in urgency codes
In the first half of 2023, an internal audit was carried out on the “urgency codes” protocol. Changes to the protocol were the reason. Adjustments were made based on the results of various calamity and incident investigations. We have already brought the new protocol to your attention several times. The internal audit makes it clear how this protocol is implemented in practice. The following conclusions have been drawn: Results of an internal audit are always discussed with some members of the management team. In these consultations, it is determined for which findings improvement measures will be developed.
Introduction course AIOS
Twelve enthusiastic GPs in the making attended the introduction course for residents at our Voorhout location on Monday 18 September. Earlier this month, we also organized an online version in Leiderdorp. This course is mandatory for all 1st year PhD students and for 3rd year PhD students who are not previously known to HP De LIMES, because they have served at another HAP in the first year. Good to see all these future doctors so enthusiastic about our emergency room!
Something for you? GP posts De LIMES is looking for client council members
If you urgently need help from a GP outside office hours, call Huisartsenposten De LIMES. We would like to continue to talk to our patients about our care through the Client Council. What does the Client Council do? The Client Council regularly consults with the director, among others, on matters that affect the interests of the patient. By giving advice and monitoring the board and the course of Huisartsenposten De LIMES, the patient’s voice is heard. Who are we looking for? We are looking for a committed person, focused on cooperation. Administrative experience is not a requirement. It is important that the members of the council […]