ZCC Care Coordination Center
28-02-2022 -by Esther Struijk – manager Leiderdorp/Alphen
As you may know, we have been working on the pilot of the ZCC for a long time. In Leiderdorp we work together at night with the home care workers of the REBOZ. In addition to a triage nurse from the out-of-hours GP service, there is a triage nurse from home care. We are still working on a joint work instruction. Mutual agreements have been made for which we can commit each other. This is done in verbal consultation with each other. This can also be used from Voorhout. At the triage centre in Leiderdorp, there is sometimes an employee of the RAV who is in contact with the control room. These are employees who drive or have driven the ambulance themselves and are therefore very well able to estimate what can be seen on the other end of the line. The employees of the out-of-hours GP service can approach this person from the RAV for the deployment of the ambulance or for consultation whether the deployment of the ambu is desirable and/or necessary. The directing physician/general practitioner can also play an important role in the care coordination centre by seeking consultation with our partners from the RAV and home care. We cordially invite everyone to actively discuss with these employees what we can do for each other. In the future, the care coordination centre will take shape and these employees will also be present more often and perhaps always during ANW hours. At the moment, home care is available every night and the RAV in the evening as much as possible. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible for them to be there every evening or during the entire ANW, but they are working that.
If you, as an employee of the out-of-hours GP service, would like to take a look at the control room, please let Ingrid Ludlage know. Ingrid.ludlage@hpdelimes.nl
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