Welcome and farewell to practice owners
21-12-2021 -Source – Conversation View
We are delighted to welcome 18 enthusiastic, energetic, newly affiliated practice doctors from July this year. This also means that we say goodbye to 14 driven, highly experienced doctors who will enjoy their well-deserved retirement. We won’t let this go unnoticed. Especially in these times of temporary lockdowns and social distancing, it is important to connect with each other. On the 13th of December. And on 12 January, online meetings were organised in which we met the new doctors and said goodbye to our highly valued pensioners. The first meetings, held on 13 December, have already taken place. We would like to invite you to read the conversation view below.
Welcome meeting of new practice doctors on 13 December.
At 19:00 the online meeting took place with new practice doctors. Present were Jeanine Ploegmakers, Steffie Kleijn, Leonie v.d. Bosch and Monique van Oostrom. From HP De LIMES BV, Gerben Welling and Aster van der Boon were present. The doctors introduced themselves.
Jeanine, together with Jaap Hagen, on July 1st. took over the practice from Rob Luining from Alphen aan den Rijn. She has been working as a general practitioner for 8.5 years and lives in Leiderdorp. She also works as a lecturer at the GP training programme at the LUMC. She is married and has three children aged 12, 11 and 8. She really enjoys being a practice owner.
Steffie Kleijn is 37 years old, she has been a general practitioner for 6 years and comes from Oegstgeest. She takes over the practice from Abel Boels on the Oosterkerkstraat in Leiden and is very much looking forward to it, although she is also aware of the challenge that the combination of her practice and a busy family life entails. Steffie is married and has two children aged 3 and 5.
Monique van Oostrom is almost 31 years old and lives in Leiden. As of 1 January 2022, she will take over General Practice Oosthout in Voorhout together with Pieter De Groot. Pieter knows them from his GP training. They soon realized that they could work well together and that resulted in the aforementioned practice takeover. She has only been a GP for 1.5 years and is very happy with this new step.
As of January 1, 2022, Leonie Bosch will become a practice physician at “Bosch en Wallaart”, currently “Kelderman en Wallaart” in Hillegom. She is looking forward to becoming a practice owner and is curious to see if it feels different. Together with her partner, she bought a house in Hillegom. She likes it very much in the bulb region. She has a 2-year-old daughter and she enjoys serving at the post. The assistants are professional and very helpful.
The fact that the practice doctor is always ultimately responsible for a service is considered a difficult fact. There are comparatively few practitioners and it would be good if this responsibility could be shared with observers. Gerben says that a survey will soon be held about a different way of scheduling in which practice doctors and observers are given the opportunity to sign up for certain shifts in advance. This survey is also sent out to the observers. The results can provide tools to start a conversation about a future-proof service tax.
Gerben also mentions that the threshold for patients to file a complaint is low. He advises the doctors to listen to the complainant. You can also learn from calamities, what exactly happened and where are the points for improvement. The bot team is called in at the initiative of the organization so that you can easily talk to a colleague about a certain incident. Gerben emphasizes that the doctors are not alone. About the locations, Gerben says that Alphen aan den Rijn will be renovated in the course of 2022. Night care is being investigated. Nothing has been decided on this yet. The starting point is that care close to the residents must be used in a sensible way. This topic will be taken up further in January. Gerben concludes the conversation by saying that the doctors should not hesitate to contact the business office.
The doctors really enjoyed getting to know each other in this way. It’s also nice to see faces next to the names of people with whom one only has a lot of e-mail contact. Gerben also experienced the meeting as very pleasant. Personal contact, even if it’s online, is valuable and important.
Farewell meeting of practitioners on 3 December.
At 20:00 the farewell meeting started for practice owners who are retiring or have already retired. The retirees present were Margit Smid, Jan Robert Delver, Walter Schrader, Wybe Kelderman, Hans Van Selm and Rob Luining.
Jan Robert Delver retired on 1 July this year. He made the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and can recommend it to everyone. It was very relaxing and cathartic for him to be outside in nature. Jan Robert was able to say goodbye to his patients during the corona dip in June. “It’s a good way to end a long period,” he says.
Margit Smid will retire on 1 January 2022. Farewell consultations are currently taking place at the practice . “Exhausting but a lot of fun,” says Margit. She doesn’t have any big plans for the time being, but she is going to experience how she likes it and what comes her way
The farewell of Wybe Kelderman has been published full-page in the local newspaper “De Hillegommer”. https://www.dehillegommer.nl/nieuws/human-interest/72456/het-contact-met-mijn-patienten-zal-ik-het-meest-missen He’s actually been saying goodbye for months. From 1 January 2022, he will take a six-month sabbatical. Then he sees what comes his way. Next Monday, he will have his last shift at the post.
After being a general practitioner for 36 years and having his own practice for 33 years, Rob Luining stopped as a practice owner on July 1, 2021. He then started vaccinating for the GGD in Alphen aan den Rijn. He experiences this as lighter and more meaningful work. He makes room to enjoy his free time. In the summer he became a grandfather.
As of 1 January 2022, Hans van Selm will take early retirement. Farewell consultations are currently taking place in his practice. He would like to be involved in administrative matters related to the GP profession after his retirement.
For Walter Schrader, the period as a practice physician will come to an end “with a bang” on January 1, 2022. He has had a turbulent time in which his practice was a target of vandalism. Walter has decided to take a lot of rest. He’s only going to do what he really likes.
The doctors delve into the past from before the GP post, where they and their partner were regularly confined to their homes at the weekend for the patients from their observation group. Wybe vividly remembers feeling like he had nowhere to go. Margit says that she made visits with a pager and that she had to call at a gas station when the pager had gone off. In the past, it was customary for doctors to live in the same place where they practiced. Hans likes the fact that after moving to Bloemendaal he can walk the streets anonymously again. Margit believes that with the arrival of the GP post, care in the evening and night has become much better, but notes that finances should not be the main motive. She would hate it if night care were to disappear from Alphen. She also thinks that the fact that there is no pharmacy in the area at night is an impoverishment of care. Jan Robert sees it as great added value that a practice doctor commits himself to the practice and the patients for 30 years. When he says goodbye, he notices even more how much he enjoys dealing with his patients. He knows almost everyone by name, knows their history, and remembers the contact he had with them. According to him, this is what makes the GP profession so unique.
Walter agrees that personal contact with the patient is important. There was recently an article in Medisch Contact that this can extend the life expectancy of a patient by two years.
Not all doctors will continue to work at the post after their retirement. Doctors who wish to do so must register with Observer Mediation. They do not have to take out a subscription, but they do have to provide various documents. This procedure should not be a purple crocodile, Gerben believes. The threshold for observing must be low.
The attendees thought this meeting was a very nice initiative. They have been committed to the ANW hours for years and have felt very connected to the posts and the employees. Gerben thanks everyone for their efforts. He expresses his appreciation for their patience and commitment and looks forward to perhaps meeting them in a different setting.
Such meetings will take place again on Wednesday 12 January. We will report on this again so keep an eye on the upcoming newsletters. If you have not yet registered before 12 January, you can still do so by sending an email to aster.van.der.boon@hpdelimes.nl.
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