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Attendees and working method ‘Evaluation and handover at the end of service’ location Voorhout

by Quirina Koehler – manager Voorhout

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the composition in which services are transferred and evaluated has been designed in a slimmed-down composition at the Voorhout location. Due to the continuing number of covid infections and the flu epidemic, we want to continue this slimmed-down form for the time being. In practice, we notice that current agreements in this regard are not always clear and that this causes ambiguity.  We would like to bring to your attention the applicable agreements, composition and maximum number of attendees at the handover and evaluation at the Voorhout location.

Launch of services
Fifteen minutes before the start of each shift, all GPs on duty (and any resident residents),  STIP triage nurse and drivers are present. The triage nurse with dot divides the tasks and assigns the consultation rooms. The classification made is recorded on the Evaluation service form in Q-base. The attention patients are discussed. The first part of the form (up to the ‘Authorise’ part) is also reviewed and ticked off. Before the start of the shift, the drivers check the contents of the business boxes. Furthermore, it is checked that the O2 bottles are not under pressure and that there are spare O2 bottles in both first aids.  

Transfer of services
In the case of consecutive shifts , there will be a handover of the shift fifteen minutes before the start of the new shift. In any case, the triage nurse and  all general practitioners present (with the exception of the doctors who do intermediate shifts ) are present. The appointments are planned as much as possible in such a way that everyone can be present at the handover . If the GP with an intermediate shift has a point for the transfer, he/she will report this to the triage nurse with the dot.  

During the week, the transfer and evaluation can take place with the entire team up to a maximum of 10 people. If more than 10 people are present, the resident will not participate in the evaluation and transfer.

In the weekend, this is in a slimmed-down form and the triage nurse is present, the directing doctor and the new service team (up to 10 people). The directing physician informs and collects input from his/her  fellow general practitioners for the transfer and evaluation. The triage nurse with STIP does the same with his/her fellow triage nurses and drivers.

During the transfer , the open calls, attention patients, any expected problems and other details are discussed. On the Evaluation service form in Q-base , the ‘Transfer’ section is entered. Following the transfer , the team is divided into two groups: the directing physician and triage nurse with STIP to evaluate the shift that has been completed and a group to start the new shift.

Evaluation of services
Before the completion of each service, the business boxes are replenished. The evaluation takes place during the week with the entire team up to a maximum of 10 people. If this number is exceeded, the resident will  not participate in the evaluation. The third-year trainer is also present at the end of the evening shift during the week! During the weekend, the evaluation takes place in a slimmed-down form by the triage nurse with STIP and the directing physician.

During the evaluation , the experiences, bottlenecks and details are discussed and noted on the Evaluation service form in Q-base.
The evaluation forms are reviewed daily by the triage nurse  team leader and/or the operational manager (see also P 2072 Evaluation of care). If necessary, corrective and/or preventive measures are taken.

In case of problems or if something additional needs to be discussed, it is decided, in close consultation with the triage nurse with STIP and/or the directing doctor, to also evaluate with a larger composition during the weekend, up to a maximum of 10 attendees.

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