Appointments RAVHM – GP posts De LIMES
24-01-2023 -by Elke Koestering – quality officer
From the VIM committee De LIMES, we regularly receive VIM reports that relate to contact with the RAV about ambulance transport or not and the associated responsibilities. From the VIM committee, we submit these reports to a policy advisor for Quality, Safety and Risk Management of the RAVHM. We would like to share the feedback from the RAVHM with you. The text below of the RAVHM is therefore only about some choices that have to be made by them regarding the transport of the patient. Related to this, they also touch on the responsibility they take in doing so. This with the aim of keeping care (and therefore also emergency trips) available for those who need it.
If a HAP, without having seen the patient, requests the RAV to assess the situation, the RAV is responsible until the moment the patient is transferred. You can assume that when an ambulance nurse, PA or VS assesses that a different way of transport to a hospital is appropriate, this is also justified. If we allow a patient to go to the hospital on their own, we will make a telephone announcement/handover. If it turns out that an error of judgement has been made, the RAV would of course like to receive this feedback back. A situation can change unexpectedly, if this is foreseeable, the choice for own transport will not be made. It is important to keep a realistic mindset and not to grant everyone an ambulance ride out of fear of what might happen, with the result that they may not be available for emergencies.
The feedback to the HAP is only done when the patient is left at home; either a notice of leave at home, or a transfer for further care. If other care is used, the RAV will not provide feedback. It is therefore important that at the start of the consultation, the triagist, if the RAV does not say so on its own, asks whether it concerns a message of letting go at home or a transfer to the GP.
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