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Booster vaccinations and general practitioners

by Eline Zeedijk – Coordinator Booster GGD Hollands Midden

In recent weeks, general practitioners, GGD teams and even firefighters have participated in the booster campaign for people who are not mobile and otherwise vulnerable living at home. The result is that of the approximately 1600 patients registered with the GGD for vaccination at home, 275 have been vaccinated by the general practitioners. In addition, many(!) vulnerable patients have been vaccinated by general practitioners who were not yet registered. A great achievement!

All patients registered via the national portal have now been vaccinated, unless there is a good reason that it has not yet been done (past COVID19, hospitalization, etc.). These people go along with the ‘sweeping routes’. Every now and then we get a notification that someone should be logged in, but is not on the list. If you have any doubts about whether one of your patients has been vaccinated in this campaign, please contact Eline Zeedijk (ezeedijk@rdoghm.nl).

It is still possible to pick up syringes for vaccination at home. These are always Pfizer vaccines. The dosage for a 1st, 2nd, 3rdand booster vaccination is the same. The syringes can again be requested directly from the vaccination locations. If you are going to vaccinate someone who you had already registered, please let Eline Zeedijk (ezeedijk@rdoghm.nl) know.

As is known, children between the ages of 5 and 12 can also be vaccinated. Fortunately, the vast majority of them can just come to a vaccination street. For institutions, a team can come by to provide the vaccinations for that group. This has not yet been arranged for children at home. There is no fiat yet to transport raised syringes (with this adjusted dosage). I would like to have an indication of the number of children between the ages of 5 and 12 who should be vaccinated at home. Request to mail to ezeedijk@rdoghm.nl

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