‘Caring for our Patients Starts with Caring for our Staff’
15-02-2022 -by Gos de Vries – Managing Director
Dear colleagues,
On 1 February, I started as a director at Huisartsenposten De LIMES. Now, more than two weeks later, I have already spoken to many employees, Gerben has updated me on many matters, I have gone through his beautifully designed transfer document, and above all I have been received and shown the way by you in a pleasant way.
Of course, two weeks is far too short to get to know a new organization. I therefore want to use the coming period to speak to as many employees and general practitioners as possible. For the time being, partly digitally, but hopefully soon also more often physically.
My first impressions of The LIMES are very positive. Just a year after the merger, I see that a lot has happened, and a lot of work has been done by you. This applies to all kinds of practical matters, such as processes and protocols, but also to the collaboration between employees of the former SHR and DDDB. It is very important that a lot of attention is paid to the internal organization and its employees in the coming period. The better the “basics are in order”, the more fun and easier it will be to take on new projects together. To this end, a long-term strategic policy plan will first have to be developed. I’m happy to do that, but together with you! Further information will follow in the course of the spring.
Ultimately, all new plans and ideas will have to contribute directly or indirectly to further optimising patient care where necessary, in collaboration with our chain partners. But, as I read at the entrance of the Fiona Stanley Hospital in Western Australia: “Caring for our Patients Starts with Caring for our Staff”!
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