HP The LIMES Certification
26-04-2021 -by Mathilda Boer – Training Coordinator and Quality Officer
Now that the merger into Huisartsenposten De LIMES is a fact, it is time to take a fresh look at the efficiency, design and application of our processes. In order to safeguard the quality of our care (organisation) and to have it tested, we will start a certification process in 2021. HP De LIMES has chosen to go through this with the NHG Practice Accreditation (hereinafter referred to as NPA→). Due to its structure and standards, NPA forms a logical connection between the certification of the affiliated day practices and of the out-of-hours GP service.
The pre-audit – a kind of dress rehearsal – will take place on 4 and 5 July 2021 and will consist of an auditor’s visit to each site lasting approximately 2 hours during opening hours and a visit lasting approximately 6 hours during office hours. The auditor will have conversations with employees who can tell something about his/her field of expertise. This can be, for example, a general practitioner, VS/PA, driver, doctor’s assistant, triage nurse or cooperating team leader, but also a policy officer or quality officer. Of course, this will be preceded by thorough preparation and the employees involved will be approached.
With a pre-audit, we map out the extent to which we comply with certain standards and to what extent we implement them. The pre-audit also provides insight into what still needs to be done before the ‘real’ audit, which is scheduled for 10 and 11 October 2021.
As soon as we have obtained the NPA Certification GP Post quality mark, we go through an annual control audit, in which we have the opportunity to delve deeper into aspects of the work at the post.
We are looking forward to an instructive and successful process that we can be proud of as a new organization!
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