Dealing with aggression at the HAP
22-12-2022 -by Quality Department
For the triagist/doctor’s assistant, it is extra difficult if they think a patient does not need to be seen, but the patient reports to the post later and indicates that the doctor wants to see him/her.
For this reason, the request to draw the same line together with a clear message to (supervisors of) patients: transgressive behavior is not accepted and is certainly not “rewarded”. In the situation below, the doctor can consult with triagist/doctor’s assistant so that they feel supported by the doctor.
Self-care advice and still want to be seen
An example is that a patient is still offered a consultation by the GP while this resulted in self-care advice from the triage. Or that a patient is seen earlier than should be according to the planning and assigned urgency. As a result, a patient can experience that it is useful to show transgressive behavior, because this is rewarded. READ MORE>>
During the aggression training at the end of 2021 for triage nurses and doctor’s assistants (location Alphen and Leiderdorp), it emerged that they regularly come into contact with transgressive behavior from patients or their supervisor(s). By this we mean verbal aggression, threats and intimidation. During the training, but also during work meetings, it was discussed that employees are allowed – sometimes even have to – limit patients. Unfortunately, however, transgressive patient behaviour is too often rewarded by giving in to the wishes of the demanding patient. Read more in the Aggression protocol