Dear colleagues,
30-03-2022 -by Gos de Vries – Managing Director
Unfortunately, as I write this foreword, there is still no good news to report about the war in Ukraine and the prospect of peace… We are now also noticing the consequences here. Higher prices for various products and the arrival of refugees in the Netherlands and also in our region. It is nice to see that many people are committed to welcoming these people, who have often left their country in a hurry from difficult situations.
When it comes to medical care, you can also see the joint efforts of GHOR/GGD, municipalities and local general practitioners and (district) managers. For more than a week, the Rhine and Dune Regional Organization has been active in the working group Refugees Ukraine. The four care groups from our region are represented in this. I am affiliated with the ANW care. It is great to see how energetically this Working Group and their supporters are trying to organize the care for this group of people. As much as possible within the existing structures. Partly to make the transition from crisis emergency care to regular GP care as smooth as possible. It teaches me a lot about how the general practitioners day care is organized here and about the willingness to cooperate within the Regional organization i.o. Depending on the number of refugees and the pace at which they arrive, we will always consider whether further scaling up is necessary.
Last week I had my first meeting with the Works Council and this week I am formally sitting at the table with the Client Council for the first time. Both are important participation bodies within De LIMES. The meeting with the Works Council took place in a good and open atmosphere. In addition to the formal role of the Works Council, there is also room for informal consultation and advice. With Aster’s departure, I hope that the vacant place for the office will be filled soon. A Works Council with full strength is of great importance for an organization and helps me as a director in the performance of my job. This also applies to the Client Council and I am therefore looking forward to the first consultation with them.
Although the attention, partly understandably, has shifted from Corona to other matters, I would like to encourage everyone working in the primary process! The number of infections is still high. And that is also reflected in the still large numbers of patients at the CSP. In addition, regular care has also increased. Hopefully the sunny weather and spring will finally relieve the pressure.
Finally, I would like to thank Marry for her role in compiling a beautiful Newsletter every time. It is one of our important communication tools. However, creating a good and well-filled newsletter is not possible without your input. So don’t hesitate to (continue to) share interesting developments with each other!
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