
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Dear colleagues,

by Gos de Vries – Managing Director

At an unusual time of the year for me, I enjoyed more than two weeks of vacation. During that time, of course, the work and care for patients in the LIMES region in ANW will continue as usual. Fortunately, January 2023 looked a bit more ‘normal’ than December in terms of the number of transactions. The hope is that in 2023 we will get back to the level of 2019. Or rather, where responsible and possible, we try to reduce the influx and use of the out-of-hours GP service even further, for example through the self-triage tool MINDD.

Optimising workload is also central to the ANW Care Implementation Plan that was submitted to the health insurers last Friday, 17 February. If it turns out that 90% of the HDSs in the Netherlands have submitted a plan on time that meets the set criteria, the differentiated rates will be introduced as of 1 April. If not, the date of introduction may be postponed for the entire country.

Important aspects in our plan include starting a limited form of ‘free scheduling’ on a voluntary basis as of mid-2023, and the start of full ‘free rostering’ as of January 2024. A plan for the complete ‘free rostering’ in 2024 will be presented to the members during the GMM on 6 July. More information about the limited form of ‘free scheduling’ for the 2nd half of this year will follow as soon as possible. The entire ANW Care Implementation Plan will be sent along with the meeting documents for the GMM on March 14 for information.

Another important topic concerns the renovation of the Post Alphen. With a lot of energy and commitment from the project group, architect, contractor, Alrijne and above all Team Leader Edith Janssen, the renovation has been completed and the new Post is now in use. Many thanks to everyone involved!! The official opening will take place on Friday 17 March!

Good working conditions, such as the one we are currently working in Alphen, are important, but a healthy mind in a healthy body also requires the right nutrition. With ‘fruit at work’ very soon, we as De LIMES are also trying to work on that.

In addition, there are of course many other important and interesting topics in this Newsletter.

We wish you happy reading!

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