
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Dear colleagues,

by Gos de Vries – Managing Director

Let me begin this preface with good news! Last week, the implementation plan for ANW care (better distribution and limitation of workload for general practitioners) was approved by our health insurers. At the moment, it is being examined whether enough plans meet the criteria nationally. If that is the case, the differentiated rates will be introduced on 1 April. Of course I will keep you informed of the developments.  In this context, the possible implementation of a form of free scheduling on a voluntary basis for the last trimester has previously been discussed. Consultations are still taking place on this. In addition, the intention is to introduce a completely free scheduling system from January 2024. A proposal to this effect will be submitted to the GMM on 6 July.

I would like to thank and compliment all those involved in the new recruitment plan of De LIMES! A wonderful plan! With, among other things, a number of interviews with our healthcare providers in local newspapers, more attention for vacancies, including via social media, and short videos in which triage nurses and doctor’s assistants from our posts in Voorhout, Alphen and Leiderdorp perform. The first interview with triage nurse Andrea Koelewijn was published last week. This project is a good example of a great collaboration between healthcare providers in the primary process, our communication advisor, the HR department and management.

Finally, some less good news. Esther Struijk, Manager of Leiderdorp and Alphen, is leaving us after having worked for De LIMES for more than 4 years. Esther has been through a turbulent time in the past period. Merger (vicissitudes), Corona pandemic, now a third director at the helm and many changes in management. In these dynamic times, Esther has played an important role in (among other things) setting up the Corona emergency post, the renovation of the Post in Alphen and the ongoing new construction project in Leiderdorp. Fortunately, Esther will continue to work with us until 1 July, giving us time to carefully refill her position. More news about her farewell will follow at a later date.

Daylight saving time has started, spring has started and production seems to be (I’m careful) stabilizing. To celebrate your continued efforts and all the great developments, we are thinking about a sequel to last year’s successful summer party. More information about that soon?!

Happy reading!

Regards, Gos

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