Dear colleagues,
14-04-2022 -by Gos de Vries – Managing Director
With rising temperatures and a sunny Easter weekend on the horizon, I hope that we have passed the peak of respiratory infections, and that the pressure on triage, consultations and visits decreases …
The number of transactions (telephone triages, consultations and visits) in March was about 30% above what we had budgeted and 17% above the number of transactions in March 2019, pre Corona! Although there has been an increase for some time, March stands out compared to the previous months.
Assuming that the number of Corona infections continues to fall, the CSP will close permanently on May 1. The advantage of this is that with a few adjustments at the Children’s Outpatient Clinic, we can work much more efficiently for general practitioners and doctor’s assistants. You will find important information about this later in this newsletter! Another important development is the relocation of the Service Pharmacy from Voorhout to Leiderdorp as of 19 April. More information about this in this newsletter.
Finally, I am looking forward to tonight’s working conference on future-proof night care. For me as a new director, this is also exciting, and I am curious about the reactions and discussion. Again, the goal is to deploy people and resources as optimally as possible. Of course, while maintaining job satisfaction and a healthy working environment! The important themes that play a role in this are the labour market problems with regard to triage nurses and doctor’s assistants, the workload for general practitioners, quality and safety and cost control. In the next newsletter I will discuss the results of the working conference and the follow-up process.
For now, we wish you happy reading and happy Easter!