Dear colleagues,
28-04-2022 -by Gos de Vries – Managing Director
In the foreword two weeks ago, I already talked about the sharp increase in production. In the meantime, the national media is also paying plenty of attention to the pressure on the GP posts. It would be good if this attention led to more insight and understanding among the public for the role of the out-of-hours GP service in the emergency care chain. There may also be gains to be made in the further roll-out of self-triage and stricter joint agreements about who should be seen, when and by which healthcare provider. Projects such as the care coordination center and spoed = spoed are about this. But that takes time. In the short term, we at De LIMES are trying, among other things, to open extra (half) shifts for triage nurses, to recruit (junior) triage nurses and how we can help each other in a responsible way in the event of, for example, peak traffic at one of the three posts.
In relation to the increasing pressure on the out-of-hours GP services, labour market shortages, quality and safety and high service load for GPs, there has also been talk in our region for several years about the more efficient deployment of people and resources. Looking at the figures, we have to conclude that we need the current three posts for the evenings and weekends. Concentration in these periods yields little. That’s different for the nights. In this context, as a follow-up to previously organised workshops on 14 April. organised a working conference. With a good turnout, and a nice mix of general practitioners, triage nurses, doctor’s assistants, management and office staff. The necessary critical questions were asked and in the second part of the evening there was the opportunity to identify which issues are important if we were to concentrate night care in Leiderdorp. With these remarks, I, together with the cooperative board, will try to formulate a well-considered intended decision for the GMM on June 28. The aim is to strike the best possible balance between the interests of practice owners, observers, patients and the continuity and quality of care provided by the company.
In order to be ready for all the challenges that come our way within the internal organization, it is nice to announce that Thomas Knol is returning as medical manager at De LIMES. This completes the team of Medical Managers (Hans Essers, Ulf Arndt and Thomas Knol). We say goodbye to Henriette Kuipers as interim HR advisor, many thanks Henriette for your efforts! But fortunately, we can report that this position will be structurally filled as of July, with the arrival of Meike Smit.
Finally, it should be clear that the pressure on the GP posts, also in our region, is high, and sometimes far too high … Thanks to all those working in direct patient care for getting things so well organised. Especially when I also see the quarterly reporting and performance indicators. Maybe not in the way we would ideally like it to be, but given the balance between production and available manpower, it is worth a compliment. But I would also like to thank all the employees around me. These services are only possible if things are also well arranged in ICT, HR, Finance, Secretariat, Facilities, Training, Complaints and incident handling, etc.!
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