
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Dear colleagues,

As I write this foreword, the summer holidays for the central Netherlands region have already begun. For parents with school-age children, and for those who are tied to the school holidays because of their job, this means that there will hopefully be time to take a break from work.

Now that my own holiday is getting closer, I am also ready for some distance from work and time for (self) reflection. Starting next Saturday, I can enjoy three weeks of summer vacation. Five months after I started, I look back on a great period and see that we have taken a number of steps in the context of cooperation and integration. But of course I also see that we are not there yet, and that time is still needed to get the basics right. The biggest challenge for me lies in creating a healthy working environment for everyone in the midst of (sometimes too) high work pressure. Fortunately, the months of May and June show that we are slowly getting back to normal waters. Hopefully, this is the start of a trend. With a number of medical students who have been trained as junior triage nurses in a moment, I hope that it will be doable for those who are working, when the others are enjoying vacation.

In addition to the efforts of medical students, the POH-GGZ also provides good care and reduces the workload. In this newsletter you will find a link to the final report of the pilot. The continuation of this pilot and other forms of task rescheduling and job differentiation, such as the training and deployment of nurse specialists and physician assistants, will receive more attention in the coming years!

This is the last edition of the newsletter before the summer holidays. Of course, we will keep you informed of important developments in the meantime. For now, I wish you all a lot of reading pleasure and a good summer (holiday)!

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