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Electronic referencing

by Ulf Arndt, Medical Manager

Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation in reducing the use of paper referrals and for using the electronic route. If we continue on this path, there will be an increasingly better flow of information between healthcare professionals and the administrative actions will become fewer and fewer.

Referral to the radiology departments of the Alrijne Hospital and the LUMC

From now on, we ask everyone to no longer use handwritten or printed requests for an X-ray. To do this, use Zorgdomein. In the screen of VIPLiveSpoedEPD you will find the “Healthcare domain” button in the box of the P-line at the top right. By clicking on it, you will be taken to the familiar Healthcare Domain environment and you can choose the hospital and then radiology. Then choose the product created by the hospitals for the HAP. The following points of attention are of great importance:

  • Use Zorgdomein only to request X-rays. All other specialists and external parties cannot (yet) be approached in this way!
  • When you log in for the first time, you need to be linked to HPdeLimes. So at the next service, take your login details for Zorgdomein with you to the post and log in once. This is a one-time procedure: the next time, the system will recognize you and you can simply submit requests immediately, just like in your practice.
  • If you don’t have your data with you, or if you don’t have an AGB code, simply follow Option 1 under point 3: you indicate that you are working on behalf of someone who is already known in the system. Then choose the medical manager Ulf Arndt with the AGB code 01004842. Then you can just work at that time. Then bring your own login with you next time and log in to Zorgdomein from VIPLiveSpoedEPD at that time. This procedure does not affect your own practice in any way, but only serves to link you to VIPLiveSpoedEPD. CLICK HERE for the registration instructions.
  • Give the patient the referral instructions from Zorgdomein: he will then have the ZD number and the instruction where he needs to be. Preferably by e-mail (everyone can view it on their smartphone) or printed
  • The results are sent by the radiology department to the patient’s own GP.
  • Applications can be made for the Alrijne Hospital until 22:00. For the LUMC, it is possible during all hours that we work.

Referral to the ER of the Alrijne Hospital and the LUMC

Referrals to all specialties are made during ANW hours via the ERs and in the Alrijne Hospital  for the cardiologist to the EHH. This means that, as has been customary up to now, the referral letters must also be sent to the emergency departments and, as mentioned above, not to the department of the specialty. If you are going to do that anyway, the referral will not arrive.

In VIPLiveSpoedEPD, choose referral (at the bottom right of your screen), choose the department (A&E Alrijne, EHH Alrijne or A&E LUMC); Create your referral and close by sending the referral. Do not print out the referral extra: providing a paper referral will only cause unnecessary confusion for the ER/EHH.

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