Experience survey 2019
18-02-2020 -By Corline de Groot and Martine de Clercq
Actions to Based on the results of the 2019 experience survey
From results of the survey, the The following bottlenecks have emerged:
- Workload in the post
- Environment
- Working arrangements are not well known to general practitioners
- Involvement of general practitioners at the post office
The The following actions are/will be taken up per topic
At least with regard to
- Workload
- Do I need to go to the Doctor?
- This web application is integrated on website
In line with this, the Bell pointer distributed door to door. In it, people can read when they want to ambulance, your own GP or HAP.
- Telephone
- The Phone guard text has been adjusted to refer to “Do I need to go to the doctor” on the website.
- The The telephone is answered by the triage nurse with ‘GP emergency station’.
By recording with ’emergency mail’, the organization that they are for emergencies.
- The HAP logo has been changed. Clear is now that it says ‘for urgency’. Also, the phone tapes (welcome and queue text) accordingly. The triage nurses answer the phone with ‘Welcome to the GP emergency room’.
- Workflow
The software workflow management helps the triage nurse to plan a appointment, based on the urgency and the crowds at the post. The triage nurse will receive a proposal for an appointment in the post, depending on urgency. As a result, the flow of patients is classified according to urgency.
- The Position of Nurse From the spring, specialist will also be deployed during weekend days at the DDDB, to reduce the workload of consulting doctors. This is in response to the good experiences at the Alphen location.
- Autopsy has become U3. The KNMG states that an autopsy must reasonably take place within three hours. This is not consistent with a U2 urgency. A sick patient with a real U2 urgency should take precedence. In case of unexpected death with many questions and strong emotions with family, it can of course be chosen to make those visits. faster.
- Agreed that there would be only 4 consultations can be scheduled per hour (was 6).
- Environment
LUMC: this location closes January 2021;
Alphen: being renovated;
Leiderdorp: this year, the board will decide on the bridging location of the triage centre;
Voorhout: there are no plans for this Adjustments.
- Working arrangements are not well known at the GPs
Before any attention is paid to announcement, is being carried out behind the scenes by the medical managers, managers of and quality assurance officers worked on updating the documents. As soon as 80% of the documents are up-to-date, expected by the end of this year, they will be attention. The aim is for the triage nurses and/or doctor’s assistants to be be aware of the documents and also be able to retrieve them from Q-Link for the general practitioners.
- Involvement
The boards of the SHR and DDDB bring a letter every month. Each HAP also sends out a monthly newsletter to all staff and general practitioners about the state of affairs within the out-of-hours GP services. In addition, there is a connection between the organization (e.g Board, Director, Medical Manager) and the sounding board group and the HAR.
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