Final report POH GGZ Emergency at the HAP
14-07-2022 -by Corline de Groot – board secretary and Ulf Arndt – medical manager location Leiderdorp
In newsletter no. 11 we have already reported on the preliminary results of the pilot project ‘Deployment of POH GGZ Emergency’. CLICK HERE for the final report, which is now available. A grant has been made available for this project by ZonMw. The subsidy provider has indicated: “In the final report, the results achieved and the most important conclusions of the project are clearly described: The POH GGZ Emergency has been successfully implemented within the General Practitioner Posts (HAP) Rotterdam North, Rotterdam South and Leiderdorp. Pilots in these HAPs show that the POHs are a valuable addition to their primary care. In 4 out of 5 cases, the patients for whom the POHs were called in were able to bridge the weekend with the help of the POH. In addition, the cooperation is going well and the employees of the HAP clearly experience the added value of the POH GGZ Spoed. There is also great added value for the patients. The support of the POH fits well with the needs of the patient through the listening ear and the peace of mind that they can offer (through more available time), in addition to their expertise in clarifying the request for help and offering solutions for bridging the gap in consultation with the patient. Because the POH is available from primary care and knows the mental health network in the region well, long waiting times for the patient are avoided and care can also be continued to some extent on weekends. These are all impressive results.”
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