20-04-2023 -A HAweb group has been set up for the directing physicians (locations Leiderdorp and Voorhout). Unfortunately, participants all have to be added manually, so this takes some time.
Click here for the online link to the group.
Location Leiderdorp has been using a Siilo group app for some time now. However, several directing physicians have complained about the sometimes extensive discussions that take place there. There is a fear that the Siilo app will no longer be read, even though it is intended to inform all directing doctors about important developments or current affairs. In addition, the Siilo app is used for shift swaps.
As discussed in the directing physician meeting of Leiderdorp, the request to use the HAweb group for questions/comments/discussions. The medical managers will ensure in the app that Siilo is no longer used for this purpose.
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