
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

How vital and healthy are you?

by Alissa Hoogveld – Business Office                                         Manager

Message for employees of De LIMES.

You will undoubtedly recognize this. ‘Health’. A common answer to the question of what people find important in life. This is entirely justified. Those who feel healthy, feel energetic, vital, can do things they enjoy and enjoy them to the fullest. Enjoying yourself and with the people around you.

But where, for example, we take our car to the MOT every year and are aware that it drives as desired, we sometimes forget to take good care of our own health. We often only think about this when something is wrong with us. By being more aware of our own health and lifestyle, many negative health effects can be prevented. We can take care of experiencing an energetic, vital and healthy feeling ourselves!

Check your health and vitality through the PMO
Because your vitality and health are your greatest asset, Huisartsenposten De LIMES wants to consciously pay attention to this by actively emphasizing the health of its own employees.
This is done by means of the Preventive Medical Examination (PMO). The emphasis is on your vitality, health and therefore your sustainable employability.

The PMO is carried out by ArboNed. The PMO gives you a good indication of your own health and vitality. Based on the results, you will receive concrete tips, advice and tools to possibly improve your health, vitality and lifestyle. Participation is free and voluntary, why not do it? Take the opportunity to give your health the attention it deserves!

The matters discussed in the PMO are strictly confidential and are not shared with the GP Posts De LIMES.

You will soon receive a personal invitation to the kick-off presentation of the PMO on behalf of ArboNed. It explains everything you need to know about the PMO. Do you have any questions before then? Please contact Alissa Hoogveld at 06-12207128.

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