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Let me introduce myself.. Our new interim director

With effect from Gerben Welling has been at the helm of the DDDB and the SHR since the end of August. It Over the next six months, he will work to support both organisations and the crew. guide to ‘a new perspective’. Who is Gerben Welling?                                           

“Also in my Patients have died,” said the interim director.

Once started Gerben is a medical photographer in training at the Department of Cardiac Surgery in the AZU in Utrecht. An initiative that takes its natural reflex – the care of the vulnerable – and soon made him take a completely different turn. It The camera was exchanged for the white suit and Welling started the training for nurse. “I was touched by the passion of caregivers and the sense of of work, by what you can do for people. I have my nursing courses A and intensive care in the Amsterdam Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis,” says the now 63-year-old native of Rotterdam.

At 36-year-old Gerben switched to ambulance care. “That was impressive and Not just because of the resuscitations or trauma. It was mainly the band that sometimes with radiation patients that you repeatedly had in the car. That Closeness to patients was poignant and very special.” Welling saw working Gone is room for professionalization in ambulance care. This is how the desire grew to to interfere in policy-making. When in Valkenswaard in 1993 began to pull at him for a role in management, he exchanged the bed for the agency. Then, in 2002, he made the switch to the acute GP care, the out-of-hours GP service. Gerben: “It’s a special place to provide care for to people who are often worried, but sometimes also acutely very ill.” Until mid-2017, Welling worked for the Huisartsenposten Oost Brabant, of which the last 8 years as Chairman of the Board of Directors. In doing so, he is committed, among other things, to facilitating cooperation between emergency care and long-term care. Gerben likes to focus on social issues with the intention of solidarity as possible. “The strongest shoulders carry the heaviest Burden. It sounds so simple, but in practice it is much more difficult.  In healthcare, I have seen how easily people fall between two stools,” says the man who in 2017 was still seriously involved to become a member of the House of Representatives for the PvdA.

Has Gerben Ever regretted his decision to swap the bed for the desk? “There is There have been two moments when I asked myself that question. When my father ended up in the ICU and at the beginning of this year when Covid-19 presented itself. But no, a lot has changed and acute care is experiential work. This requires routine. I now enjoy and have satisfaction with the interim work. To get organizations or processes that have stalled back on track. In practice has shown me that this can often be done while retaining the same people.”

The father of Two grown-up sons believes in well-organized organizations where people recognize themselves. He is looking forward to a new perspective together for SHR and DDDB. “In the near future, I would like to get to know you and visit the posts as soon as possible. If you want to talk to me sooner or just want to say something, can feel free to call or email,” he said. Gerben Welling. 0651269353 or info@gerbenwelling.nl

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