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LSP news

by Sandra van der Geer – service manager Sleutelnet                             

The LSP reimbursement scheme has been extended until 31 December 2021. Consents registered before that date will still be eligible for the opt-in fee. To be eligible for the (re)connection fee, you must be connected to the LSP by 1 December 2021 at the latest.

If you have achieved the standard percentage of 25% on 31 December 2021, you will also receive the structural allowance this year.

The reimbursement scheme will stop in this form due to the introduction of the online permission facility Mitz. With this facility, citizens can arrange their own consent and record it in an online portal. The consent will then no longer be recorded in your application by the GP practice, but by the citizen in Mitz.

A general practice is eligible for a variety of LSP reimbursements:
Structural remuneration
If you are connected to the National Exchange Point and actually use it, you will receive an annual allowance. This is for the costs you incur for the software for your connection to the National Exchange Point and the time and effort you put into it.

Opt-in fee
The opt-in fee is a compensation for your effort in requesting and registering the patient’s consent. The opt-in fee is a variable amount, based on the number of consents registered with the National Exchange Point. You will receive this fee once per permission. The connection fee

The connection fee
The Corona opt-ins are not eligible for reimbursement. It is therefore important that you obtain opt-ins in the regular way. VZVZ has several materials available free of charge to support you in informing about and obtaining the opt-in. These can be found on the following web page.

Sleutelnet is happy to support you in the implementation of the LSP within your practice. For more information, please contact Sandra van der Geer:
E: svandergeer@sleutelnet.nl
T: 071 – 514 01 40
W: www.sleutelnet.nl

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