LSP news
28-02-2022 -by Sandra van der Geer – service manager Sleutelnet
How does the LSP work?
The general practitioner and the pharmacist each keep a file on their patients. They may share certain information with other healthcare providers. This is done through the National Exchange Point. The majority of public and outpatient pharmacies, GP practices, out-of-hours GP services and hospitals in the Netherlands are connected to it. And more and more care providers are being added, such as mental health institutions, independent clinics, nursing homes and care groups (for integrated care).
Reimbursement schemes LSP and UZI 2022
Every year, the umbrella organisations of healthcare providers (KNMP, LHV and InEen) make agreements with Zorgverzekeraars Nederland to encourage the use of the LSP. For example, there is the UZI reimbursement scheme under which UZI funds for pharmacies, (pharmacy-keeping) GP practices and GP posts are reimbursed. And in addition, an LSP fee scheme as a compensation is the cost and effort for the LSP affiliation and the permission process. Both schemes have been extended for 2022.
The LSP reimbursement scheme has been extended until 1 June 2022. Consents registered until 1 June 2022 are eligible for the opt-in fee and affect the standard percentage for the structural fee. The same rates apply to the fees as in 2021. In the first half of 2022, the current scheme will be evaluated against the background of the developments of the online consent facility Mitz.
Sleutelnet is happy to support you in the implementation of the LSP within your practice. For more information, please contact Sandra van der Geer:
T: 071 – 514 01 40