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LSP News July 2019

LSP News July 2019

Electronic prescription

Since On 1 July 2019, all departments of the Alrijne Hospital will send the prescriptions electronically via the LSP to outpatient and community pharmacies (exceptions are the dispensing general practitioners, this is currently technical not yet possible). It makes the process safer and more efficient. In addition the patient no longer needs to take a paper prescription with them to the pharmacy.

State of play in the region

At the moment, 45.5% of the professional summaries in the Leiden region available via the LSP.  But what is the opt-in percentage in the different municipalities? Take a look at the map below. The table to The right-hand side shows the increase in opt-ins (these are the additional files in percentage points made available since 1 January 2019, as a result of the percentage of the population of the municipality concerned).

Are you curious about what your opt-in mode, or do you have any other questions about the LSP? Contact Leonieke van Willigen of Sleutelnet via lvanwilligen@sleutelnet.nl or via 071-5140130.

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