LSP news May 2020
25-05-2020 -Corona opt-in
It It has been some time since the Corona virus was first introduced in the Netherlands. Found. Since then, many measures have been taken to further to prevent the spread of the virus and to continue care in an adapted form. For example, on 15 April, the so-called Corona opt-in as a temporary measure by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. With the Corona opt-in, healthcare professionals can the HAP and the ED request the professional summary of patients who do not have passed on their choice and are not approachable. READ MORE This is only allowed in the event that there are suspicions that the patient is infected with the Corona virus. Subsequently, the retrieval of data can only be done if the GP practice of the patient in question is connected to the LSP. In addition, the file of patients who explicitly do not have permission given still not to be seen. Every survey of the LSP is logged who requested the data. Patients can manage and view their consents via the website where and by whom their data was requested.
What will happen to the regional borders?
It it is likely that during the corona crisis, patients will be overwhelmed or distribution of patients outside their own region can be seen in a out-of-hours GP service or A&E. For this reason, the restrictive regional boundaries are temporarily Lifted. This makes it possible to collect patient records from all over the Netherlands. to consult.
What happens to the consents of patients who are give the HAP or A&E their consent?
This measure is temporary in nature, after the Corona crisis the normal situation – in which patients must give explicit consent – will come into force again. Patients who are in the HAP or ED shall be labelled within the LSP in such a way that, after the end of the corona crisis, be deregistered from the LSP again. This means that that these patients then ask for their consent within your own practice. will have to be asked. More information about this measure can be found here .
I’m not connected to the LSP yet, but I want to. What can I do?
To facilitate that you can access the LSP as soon as possible, a fast-track affiliation procedure has entered into force. The Steps that need to be followed are the same as before. However, his agreements have been made with the BRIC and VZVZ to submit the application of the procedure for the application of UZI resources. In collaboration with the suppliers, VZVZ has created connection teams that speed up the applications process and guide practices in the steps to be taken. It’s good It is possible that your HIS supplier has already approached you about this. You can find additional information on this website. Under the heading ‘participating in a temporary measure via LSP’ you will then find a link to the online form that initiates the application.
Although the Corona opt-in is a temporary measure, the connection to the LSP after the end of the measure. The Fee to cover the costs of connecting and purchasing the UZI funds in the form of a fixed amount of €1,862,-, will be maintained. This fee is a one-time fee and will not be provided again if you want to reconnect to the LSP. More information about the UZI resources can be found here . A fact-sheet on the fees can be found here .
Can you could also use help to inform your patients about the LSP, ask for permission or record permission? Or do you have other questions about the LSP? Take contact Leonieke van Willigen ( or Simon Wils ( of Sleutelnet via 071-5140130.
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