One-time care bonus
28-09-2021 -by Cora Hoogenboom – on behalf of the HR department

Last July, we submitted the application for the one-off care bonus 2021 for De LIMES. We have received the following information from the government:
We have previously informed you that the period for taking a decision on an application for determination is 13 weeks. This information is incorrect. The regulation (Article 15 sub 5) states the correct period of 22 weeks. We apologize for this error.
Because the sampling was carried out during the holiday period, it was not possible for many applicants to respond during this period. Therefore, we were not able to complete the sample on time. As a result, the decision period of 22 weeks after submitting your application is not expected to be met. This decision period will therefore be extended by 8 weeks.
As a result, the payment of the one-off healthcare bonus will no longer take place in 2021. We had hoped to be able to make the payment in October, but now that the decision period is 22 weeks, and has also been extended by 8 weeks, that will not be possible. The disbursement is now expected to take place around February 2022.
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