Recruitment of members and chairman of the client council HP De LIMES
04-07-2021 -by Mariëlle van Esch – project leader from Zorgbelang
In the newsletter of April of this year there was the following message -in italics- pressed.
It is now clear that the intended recruitment has not yet yielded enough candidates. We are therefore extending the recruitment period so that we can properly staff the client council. Kindly request the general practitioners affiliated with HP De LIMES to reconsider which of your patients would be suitable to sit on the client council and to ask them to do so. All the necessary information can be found in the text below from the April newsletter. The deadlines in this text have been adjusted.
For further information and to register a candidate, please contact mariellevanesch@zorgbelanginclusief.nl , telephone number 06-50498360.
As of January 1, 2021, Huisartsenposten De LIMES was created from a merger between the Foundation for Collaborating General Practitioners Rijnland and the Doctors’ Service Dune and Bulb Region.
The new organisation is in line with the setting up of a new client council. In addition to being required by law from 25 employees working in executive care, it is also a great goal to start a conversation about healthcare with the people who are affected: citizens and patients.
HP de LIMES has asked Zorgbelang Inclusive to shape and supervise this process.
For the recruitment of the members and the chairman of the client council, we ask for the commitment of the general practitioners affiliated with HP De LIMES. We are looking for 4-6 committed people who are focused on collaboration, who are communicative and solution- and result-oriented. People who, in collaboration with the organization, can advance the services from a patient perspective and come from the working area of HP De LIMES. Ideally, they represent the larger groups of patients that GPs see in their practice: think of the elderly or families with young children, for example.
Appeal to general practitioners
If you, as a general practitioner, have patients in your practice who you think would be a good candidate for the client council, you can ask them to apply by means of a motivation letter and CV. Deadline for these applications is 1-8-2021. On 30 April, Irene Viets sent you a recruitment text that you can use for this purpose, including the profiles for a chair and council members.
The entire month of July can still be used to recruit members for the client council. The interviews will take place at the beginning of August and a choice will be made from the available candidates by a selection committee to be formed.
The kick-off meeting of the new client council will also take place in August and she will take up her duties. The client council to be installed will advise the Board of Directors from a client perspective on various matters, such as a long-term collaboration with a party, expansion or termination of care, and will have the right of consent with regard to, for example, the complaints procedure.
For further information and to register a candidate, please contact Mariëlle van Esch, project leader from Zorgbelang – mariellevanesch@zorgbelanginclusief.nl – 06-50498360.
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