LSP news
25-04-2021 -by Simon Wills – Project Officer
LSP Fees
The LSP reimbursement scheme has been extended until 1 June 2021. Consents submitted before that date are still eligible for the opt-in fee. If you have achieved the standard percentage of 25% on 31 May 2021, you will also receive the structural allowance this year. In April, consultations will take place between the LHV and ZN about a possible arrangement from 1 June.
The reimbursement scheme will stop in this form due to the introduction of the online permission facility Mitz. With this facility, citizens can arrange their own consent and record it in an online portal. The consent will then no longer be recorded in your application by your practice, but by the citizen himself in Mitz.
The Corona opt-ins are not eligible for reimbursement. It is therefore important that you obtain opt-ins in the regular way. VZVZ has several materials available free of charge to support you in informing about and obtaining the opt-in. These can be found on the following web page.
Requesting medication data in the practice
Requesting medication data in general practice increases medication safety. This will give you a more reliable medication overview. This allows you to better tailor medication to the medication that the patient is already taking and has obtained through a community or outpatient pharmacy. This also includes medication provided by (outpatient) pharmacies on the basis of, for example, prescribed discharge medication by a hospital. Allergies and contraindications known to other pharmacies or a previous GP can also be looked up. More and more pharmacies will also want to share this information via the LSP. By requesting this medication data via the LSP, you prevent you from missing out on this up-to-date data. In addition, you can also check whether the medication you prescribed has actually been picked up by the patient at the pharmacy.
Sleutelnet has drawn up a step-by-step plan for the following HISs, with which you can request the medication data:
– CGM General Practitioner
– Medicom
– MicroHIS
– Promedico-ASP
You can download the manual via the following link .
Sleutelnet is happy to support you in the implementation of the LSP within your practice. For more information, please contact Simon Wils ( or Sandra van der Geer ( by e-mail or telephone on 071 – 514 01 40. Or else take a look at our website.