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Client Council Huisartsenpost De LIMES off to a good start

by Martijn Gort – on behalf of the Client Council.

After a period of preparation and recruiting suitable members, the new client council of Huisartsenposten De LIMES was launched in the autumn of 2021. The council has three members but can still use new members. At the same time, the Council is showing that it is already well underway in its current composition. To make the voice of the patient heard in emergency GP care, that’s what the client council is all about.

First meeting
The first meeting of the client council with Gerben Welling, director of Huisartsenposten De LIMES, gave a lot of energy. “The first meeting has yielded a positive experience, on to a fruitful collaboration,” notes client council member Nick van Yperen. The conversation included the complaints officer that the organization wants to hire and the budget for next year. But the director’s concerns about the pandemic were also discussed. How do we prepare for the emergency scenario that healthcare could get bogged down under the increasing number of corona infections?

Voice of the patient
In this way, business-related policy themes and day-to-day practical consequences for patients alternate in the client council. “The client council is an important catalyst that contributes to increasing the quality of our patient care. I am pleased with the way in which Members are taking their task to heart. I look forward to a pleasant collaboration in which we can strengthen each other, each from their own role and responsibility,” says Gerben Welling. The client council will regularly discuss matters with the Board of Directors that affect the interests of the patient. By giving advice and monitoring the board and the course of Huisartsenposten De LIMES, the patient’s voice is heard.

The LIMES BV (www.huisartsenpostendelimes.nl) is a partnership of the general practitioners of the Zuid-Holland Noord catchment area. This new organisation was created on 1 January 2021 from the merger of the Foundation for Collaborating General Practitioner Services Rijnland and the Cooperative Doctors’ Service Dune and Bulb Region. People who are interested in the work of a client council member can contact project leader Karin Kalthoff of Zorgbelang Inclusive, by emailing karinkalthoff@zorgbelanginclusief.nl or calling
to 088 – 92 94 038.

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