
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Dear colleagues,

Although we have just finished the autumn holidays, the weather was more like spring break … While it may not be a good sign, and in keeping with climate change, the fact that we don’t have to turn on the heating for a while isn’t a bad thing.

Also warm or rather (sometimes) heated was the last GMM on October 11th. Still, now that the emotions have subsided a bit, I look back on a good meeting in an open atmosphere. A meeting where we often agreed and sometimes disagreed. In the end, a large part of the general practitioners voted in favor of centralization of night care, but a majority in Alphen voted against. I have indicated to Jaap Hagen that I would like to come to Alphen to talk to the general practitioners (again) together with the cooperative board. At the next GMM on 8 December, it will have to be clear whether there is still room for manoeuvre, or whether centralisation of night care is not an option for the time being.

Following in the footsteps of, among others, the HAP Rotterdam Rijnmond, we will have to draw up a continuity plan describing the circumstances under which a post can/must be closed in emergency situations. This plan will be drawn up by the crisis team and I expect it to be ready before the end of this year. After that, the plan will of course be shared with you and external bodies such as chain partners, health insurers and IGJ.

As all general practitioners are now aware, there is still a (new) challenge. The implementation of differentiated rates coupled with a plan to better distribute the workload. I have already communicated about this and it is expected that a small working group will be set up this week to work out a plan of action. We work together with the HAPs in the ROAZ West region. Of course, the aim is to introduce the differentiated rates as soon as possible, but we are dependent on the health insurers who have to take a position on this. We are also dependent on national frameworks and guidelines that are still under development. I’ll keep you posted!

I would like to draw your attention once again to the two evenings that are planned on 6 and 13 December to think together, with staff and general practitioners, about our vision, strategy and long-term policy. We need your expertise and input and hope for a big turnout!

With our new communication advisor, HR, managers, team leaders and Works Council, we are working on new ideas and plans to increase job satisfaction, reduce the workload, engage and bind employees and, above all, recruit new employees. More on that soon!

Speaking of workload, the results of the third quarter fortunately show that production is falling slightly again and is clearly lower than in the second quarter (still 8% above the budgeted production). Given the shortage of triage nurses and physician assistants, there is still an imbalance between supply and demand. Despite this, the performance is better than in the second quarter. Compliments to all those working in direct patient care!

Finally, many are working the 2023 budget and the accompanying 2023 annual plan. At the beginning of December, it will be clear what the financial picture looks like and what we want to focus on in 2023. For now, happy reading!

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