Decision scheme adjusted
28-11-2019 -There is a new decision scheme available for the transfer RAV- GP post in the Central Holland region. The decision diagram contact AVP (ambulance nurse) -HAP was circulated last summer period and presented to the various bodies; i.e. medical managers DDDB/SHR, sounding board group DDDB, LHV circle, supporters post Gouda and RAVhm. Based on their feedback, small adjustments made to the schedule. CLICK HERE FOR THE DOCUMENT
The scheme contains some important changes that are more than nuances. The aim is for ambulance nurses to formulate their question even more clearly than before at the start of contact with the triage nurse. In case of doubt about follow-up action, consultation should not take place with us, but with medical manager RAV or back-up. If there is a request to obtain information or report that they have been left at home, this is done strictly through the triagist. In that case, the GP is explicitly not asked to share responsibility in this. It is still being investigated whether a gift can be created in Topicus for 72 hours in the event of notification of being left at home, without this passing through the directing physician as an authorized call. This will hopefully lead to fewer vague calls in which the request for help and responsibility remain unclear on both sides.
Path 1, in which transfer to GP, however, conversely, must be regarded as less non-committal than interpreted previously. After handover, GP determines the follow-up action, i.e. transport to the hospital, or (telephone) consultation or visitors. Also note the bar at the bottom of the diagram, which for the sake of clarity The responsible healthcare professional for each situation is shown.
Sheet 2 can be considered as Bookmark / explanation for diagram on sheet 1.
Soon, the schedule will to triage nurses. The RAVhm also deals with the schedule communicate well with his staff. Consideration is being given to a joint in-service training to organise this process.
The ** refer to a new explanatory note containing the remark that in these cases it is nice if a feedback is given to the HAP about the transport. This can then be done via the triagist, who writes this in the EPD. The modified versions can be found in the visiting cars and at various places in the mail.
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