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LSP news

by Sandra v.d. Geer – Sleutelnet                                                   

The Corona opt-in will end on April 4th!

The temporary Corona opt-in will end from April 4, 2023. As a result, the Professional Summary (PS) of the GP file of more than 6 million Dutch people is no longer available at the GP post and the ER. It is always important for healthcare providers to have medical data available quickly. During the peak load with the Coronavirus in the ED and HAP, the Corona opt-in offered a solution in the treatment of patients for whom no data from their own GP was (yet) available. The patient will be asked for permission by the HAP or the A&E.

The Corona opt-in ends on April 4; the temporary measure was linked to the Corona pandemic. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is preparing legislation that will broaden the availability of records from 2025 onwards by introducing an opt-out for acute care. Records of patients who have objected cannot be consulted.

At the request of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the umbrella organizations in the healthcare sector, VZVZ is making a stop button. This makes it possible to decommission the Corona opt-in. The importance of medical data and therefore of giving consent remains as great as ever. VZVZ therefore calls on all healthcare providers to ask permission from their patients and clients!

Soon, every Dutch citizen will be able to make their own choice of consent with the online consent facility Mitz.

Do you have any questions or comments? We’d love to hear from you! Send an email to Sandra van der Geer:
• E: svandergeer@sleutelnet.nl
• T: 071 – 514 01 40
• W: www.sleutelnet.nl

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