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Payment of attendance fees

by Marion Horstink – business controller a.i.

What are attendance fees and how does they work?             

Attendance fee is a fixed fee for preparing and attending a meeting. There is sometimes some uncertainty about how the attendance fees are paid. Despite an instruction and a fixed format, there still appear to be questions. That’s annoying. That is why we are paying extra attention to this again.

Since April 2021, there has been a new instruction on how attendance fees are paid. These can be found in the quality manual. For the sake of convenience, I am attaching Appendix A CLICK HERE, instruction from the handbook. This instruction has recently been updated (VIM committee has been added). I also include the format of the attendance register, Appendix B, at CLICK HERE

The ‘new’ method concerns the payment of attendance fees for participation in meetings of the following committees: READ MORE>>

  • VIM *) – since June 2021
  • Quality Committee
  • Sounding board group (per location)
  • Roster committee
  • Consultation of directing physicians (doctors, observers, etc.)

*) The working method at the VIM only concerns participation in the meetings. So not the time spent that may result from this, such as research, writing reports, etc. The participant (i.e. GP or external person) will charge this time separately with an invoice (here: “exempt from VAT”). The hourly rate is € 81.13. Please send the invoice in PDF to facturen@hpdelimes.nl. At a minimum, state on the invoice: name of VIM chairman, what work you have carried out, e.g. VIM survey month April 2021, so that the processing of your invoice is fast. 


  • FA will only consider attendance registers if they have been sent by the chairman
  • The attendance fee per meeting is set at € 202.83 (= 2.5 hours at € 81.13) 
  • Employees who are employed arrange their attendance with their supervisor

For a more detailed instruction of the procedure, we refer to the enclosed appendices.

There is a different procedure for paying attendance fees when participating in:

  • Regional Commission of Inquiry (Calamities)
  • BONE
  • Crisis team
  • Intervision groups
  • Employees of De LIMES arrange this with their manager;
  • GPs send their own invoice showing the hours spent (rate € 81.13 and exempt from VAT). On the invoice, you mention the name of the chairman of the meeting/committee and description of the work + period, so that the person who checks your invoice can process it quickly. Send your invoice in PDF tofacturen@hpdelimes.nl

Please note: all old methods for paying attendance fees, which once applied to the old SHR and the old DDDB, are no longer valid as of July 2021.

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