
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Privacy Policy

Your personal data and your privacy in our out-of-hours GP clinics


The GDPR is the law for the protection of privacy and personal data. Under this law, an organization that works with personal data has certain obligations and the person whose data is held has certain rights. In addition to this general law, specific rules apply to privacy in healthcare. These rules are stated, among other things, in the Medical Treatment Agreements Act (WGBO). This privacy policy is intended to inform you about your rights and our obligations under the GDPR and the WGBO.

GP surgeries De LIMES

Various of your personal data are processed in our GP emergency centres. This is necessary to be able to treat you medically well and necessary for the financial settlement of the treatment. In addition, processing may be necessary for, for example, combating a serious danger to your health or to comply with a legal obligation (for example, the mandatory reporting of a contagious disease under the Public Health Act).

The duties of Huisartsenposten De LIMES

According to the GDPR, HP De LIMES is the organisation responsible under the articles of association for the processing of personal data that takes place in HP De LIMES.
The GP emergency rooms comply with the obligations arising from this as follows:
Your data is collected for specific purposes:

  • for the provision of care;
  • for efficient management and policy;
  • to support scientific research, education and information;
  • to improve the provision of care.

In principle, no processing takes place for other purposes. You will be informed of the fact that your personal data is being processed. This can be done by your healthcare provider, but also via a leaflet or via our website.

  • All employees within HP De LIMES have committed themselves to treating your personal data confidentially.
  • Your personal data is well protected against unauthorised access. 
  • Your personal data will not be stored longer than is necessary for proper care.

Your medical data will be kept for as long as necessary for the provision of care and as long as the law requires us to keep your data.

Patient Testimonial Survey

Periodically, we have an independent research agency conduct a survey into the way in which patients have experienced care. In this survey we ask about your experiences with healthcare, we do not ask for data that allows us to identify you. The information we obtain in this way will only be used for the purpose of this research. Healthcare providers are not given access to the content of the completed survey forms. The completed forms will be destroyed after one year.

Your rights as a data subject

You have the following rights:

  • The right to know whether and which of your personal data is being processed.
  • The right to inspect and obtain a copy of that data (insofar as this does not harm the privacy of another person).
  • The right to correct, supplement or delete data if necessary. 
  • The right to request (partial) destruction of your medical data. This can only be accommodated if the retention of the data is not of significant importance to another person and the data does not have to be retained on the basis of a statutory regulation. 
  • The right to add a self-declaration (of a medical nature) to your file.
  • The right to object to the processing of your data in certain cases.

If you wish to exercise your rights, you can make this known to Huisartsenposten De LIMES verbally or by filling in an application form (Request form for processing patient information HP De LIMES). A representative (such as a written representative, or your trustee or mentor) can also stand up for what is best for you.

Explanation of the application form

You should take into account that, according to the law, medical data is in principle stored for a maximum of 20 years. You will help us find your file and protect your privacy if you fill in the form as completely as possible. The information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. HP De LIMES is not liable for errors in mail delivery. If you prefer to collect the file in person, or by an authorised representative, you can indicate this on the form.

Patient data

Please include the details of the person who is the subject of the medical file. The Medical Contract Act (WBGO) considers the patient to be of legal age from the age of 16. Young people from the age of 16 who want to inspect/obtain a copy of their medical file must submit the application themselves. If the patient is no longer alive, the provision of the medical data is permitted if it can be assumed that the deceased would not have objected to this or if there are compelling interests to breach the healthcare provider’s duty of confidentiality. This decision lies with the healthcare provider.

Disclosure of your personal data to third parties

The employees of HP De LIMES are obliged to treat your personal data confidentially. This means, for example, that the healthcare provider needs your explicit consent to provide your personal data. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, for example the patient experience survey mentioned above. On the basis of a legal provision, the duty of confidentiality of the healthcare provider can be broken, but also if there is reason to fear a serious danger to your health or that of a third party. In addition, recorded data can be exchanged orally, in writing or digitally with other healthcare providers (e.g. the pharmacist who processes a prescription and thus receives data).


We have engaged ICT suppliers for the maintenance and management of our information provision. We have carefully selected these suppliers and made clear agreements with them about confidentiality and security. If, despite our measures, it should happen that third parties gain unauthorized access to your data, we will report this to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA).


Our Cookie Policy and statement can be found on the following page: https://huisartsenpostendelimes.nl/cookiebeleid/.


You can also fill out a contact form via the website. It is intended for situations where data is inaccurate or incomplete, or when you need technical support. If you have any questions about the outcome of the triage of the WebApp, you should contact your GP or out-of-hours GP service. The contact form is not intended for this purpose. Data that you share via the contact form will be processed in order to answer your question. After your question has been dealt with, the data will be stored for a maximum of 3 months in order to be able to answer any follow-up questions.

Phone calls

When you call one of our out-of-hours GP services, telephone conversations are recorded for qualitative purposes and complaints. Telephone conversations are also recorded when we call you back as part of our care. This will enable us to improve our services for the future. Calls will not be distributed or otherwise shared for commercial purposes. The conversations will be kept for a maximum of one year.

Exchange of (medical) data

If you have been to the out-of-hours GP service  in the evening or at the weekend, we will share an observation message with the GP practice. This way, your own GP knows exactly what complaints you have been to the GP post  with and what has been done as a result. 

Medication data can also be shared with your pharmacy and your treating medical specialists. This includes the medication prescribed to you by your GP, but also any intolerances, contraindications and allergies (ICA data). Other prescribers and providers of medication can take this into account. In this way, as a GP post, we contribute to medication safety.

Question or complaint

Do you have a question or a complaint? For example, about who we share data with or how we handle your medical data? If so, please contact our Data Protection Officer. The contact details can be found on our  website (www.huisartsenpostendelimes.nl). If you are unable to reach an agreement with our Data Protection Officer, you have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

The self-triage service “Do I need to go to the doctor?”

When using the self-triage service “Do I need to go to the doctor?” (hereinafter: App), via our website you enter certain personal data and leave certain personal data. Because it concerns privacy-sensitive data, we believe it is important that we handle it with care.

When using the App, you fill in personal data about yourself or someone else for whom you use the App and a conclusion is given. The personal data that we process about you through this service are:

  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Outcome of each triage (urgency)

Not in all cases the data you provide is personal data. An example of this is the fact that the App creates a UID (Unique Identifier for the device used). Nevertheless, we want to inform you clearly about what we do with your data. The information you have entered is necessary in the first instance to be able to answer the question ‘do I need to go to the doctor?’. Your gender and date of birth will be processed by the back-end of the App to analyse the use of the App. We can then ensure that the App works even better in the future and we can generate anonymous statistics.

Scientific research

“Do I have to go to the doctor?” conducts scientific research in collaboration with your out-of-hours GP service. This means that “Do I have to go to the doctor?”, in collaboration with your out-of-hours GP service and other out-of-hours GPs in the Netherlands, monitors and improves the effect of self-triage, the safety and performance of the App. The data that is used by the out-of-hours GP service are: patient, timestamp of start of telephone triage, age in years (or date of birth), gender, NTS entry complaint, urgency, triage duration and the call result. On the basis of this telephone triage data and on the basis of the self-triage data, a link will be made. Based on the self-triage advice and the call result of the telephone triage, researchers can determine the effect, safety and performance of the App for the out-of-hours GP service.


The GP Post participates in national counts of Nivel Primary Care Registrations. Nivel uses the censuses to answer questions within healthcare in the Netherlands. In this way, you contribute to important scientific research. In doing so, Nivel strictly adheres to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Prefer not to participate in the counts? Report this to your healthcare provider.