
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Client Council

To make the patient’s voice heard in what the organization does. That is the task of the client council of Huisartsenposten De LIMES. The Supervisory Board advises the director of the organisation on the policy of emergency GP care. The client council focuses on the perspective of the user, the patient.

The client council regularly talks to the Board of Directors about matters that affect the interests of the patient. By giving advice and following the board and the course of Huisartsenposten De LIMES, the patient’s voice is heard. The client council advises on various subjects, such as the quality of care, the complaints procedure and changes in accessibility in the evening, nights and weekends.

The client council has five members and is still looking for reinforcements. They represent the patients in the working area of Huisartsenposten De LIMES and think from the perspective of their collective interest. The client council does its work on the basis of the Participation of Clients of Healthcare Institutions Act 2018.

The client council consists of:

Gert Hylkema (chairman)
Nick van Yperen (vice-chairman)
Monique Hamersma (member)
Jeannette de Heij (secretary)
Elly de Regt (member)

Contact: clientenraad@hpdelimes.nl

Annual report

Click here for the annual report


Click here for the internal regulations

Work Plan 2024 Client Council

Click here for the 2024 work plan